Salience Model Based Stakeholder Register
This template can be seen as an extension of a typical stakeholder register (general information and level of interest/engagement), enriched with classification regarding a salience model.
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This template can be seen as an extension of a typical stakeholder register (general information and level of interest/engagement), enriched with classification regarding a salience model.
Ah, the ties that bind! A good contract will protect everyone's interests, and that includes the subcontractor's, too. Spell out all arrangements in detail, and know what both sides are getting into. Note: This contract is no substitute for legal advice.
This sample project charter was developed for the construction of an office complex and parking lot; use it as reference in developing your own project charter. It contains sections for project scope, description/deliverables, objectives, stakeholders, milestone schedule, risks as well as business and organizational information.
A project management plan also requires attention to staffing needs that will come up during the life of a proposed project. Here is a document that will help you get down on paper the names of pertinent personnel and the responsibilities they'll be on the hook for.
Project teams are often faced with the need to quickly make decisions and are often called upon to defend and explain their decision-making process. A simple weighted matrix of choices can be a team-building activity and provide traceability for critical business decisions. This sample Matrix should be used in conjunction with the article Using a Decision Matrix for Group Problem Solving.
Use this sample Excel Gantt Chart to track project task progress based on your entered start and projected/actual end dates, along with your entered precent progress complete for each task.
This sample template is an example of a completed Job Function Description for a position in the construction industry. You can modify it to apply to other industries/projects/positions. It should be used to write in details on the roles and responsibilities of key team members. It can be used for any project and it is very useful in properly identifying the exact responsibilities required from each key team member.
Appraisals and evaluations can go both ways. Use this evaluation to rate the effectiveness of your manager.
This is a sample meeting agenda for a meeting of a project steering committee. Not only is it brief and succinct, but it tells you what you need to discuss in a typical meeting, why and in what order.
Keep track of major departmental projects using this sample status report, which helps you keep track of progress and risks.
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"I'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites. All I want is the truth. Just gimme some truth." - John Lennon |