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Balanced Scorecard Template Series

PREMIUM deliverable

This is the grandmother of all balanced scorecard templates! Here are 18 (count 'em, 18!) Excel templates that will help you develop a balanced score card from start to finish.

Basic Project Charter

PREMIUM deliverable

This is an example of a basic Project Charter, focusing on what is being done and who is responsible. Use this instructional document as an example of how to put a Project Charter together.

Benefits Realization Planning Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Andy Jordan

This template aims to tie business case commitments to specific tracking activities and measures. Not all projects will have objective measures, but it is not acceptable to ignore that form of benefit realization for all initiatives. This plan should be completed at the same time as the business case, and the measured and total benefits identified here should align with the commitments made in the business case.

Benefits Realization Planning Template (Japanese Translation)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Andy Jordan


Benefits Realization Planning Template (Korean Translation)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Andy Jordan

이 템플릿은 특정 추적 활동 및 측정에 대한 비즈니스 사례를 묶는 것을 목표로합니다. 모든 프로젝트가 객관적 조치를 취하는 것은 아니지만 모든 이니셔티브에 대해 그러한 형태의 이익 실현을 무시하는 것은 허용되지 않습니다. 이 계획은 비즈니스 사례와 동시에 완료되어야하며 여기에서 확인 된 측정 된 총 이익은 비즈니스 사례에서 이루어진 약속과 일치해야합니다.

Bitácora de Riesgos de los Requiremientos

PREMIUM deliverable
by Cheryl Lee

Este registro, adaptado del libro Effective PM and BA Role Collaboration de Cheryl Lee, le ayuda a realizar un seguimiento de los requisitos y sus riesgos, e interpreta el puntaje para saber si se trata de un riesgo bajo, medio o alto.

Bottom-Up Cost Estimating Worksheet

PREMIUM deliverable
by Cynthia Snyder Dionisio

Bottom-up estimates are detailed estimates done at the work package level. Detailed information on the work package and other direct/indirect costs are used to determine the most accurate estimate possible. Use this worksheet to help you keep track.

Bottom-Up Cost Estimating Worksheet (Korean Translation)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Cynthia Snyder Dionisio

Bottom-up 견적은 작업 패키지 레벨에서 수행 된 상세한 견적입니다. 작업 패키지 및 기타 직접 / 간접 비용에 대한 자세한 정보는 가능한 가장 정확한 추정을 결정하는 데 사용됩니다. 이 워크 시트를 사용하여 추적 할 수 있습니다.

Bottom-Up Cost Estimation Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Venkata Sai Rambabu Potnuru

The Bottom-Up Cost Estimation Template is to estimate the cost of any portfolio, program or project by using the Bottom-Up Cost Estimation Technique. This template can be used in any type of industry. With the Bottom-Up Cost Estimation Technique, the overall cost of the project is estimated by breaking down the project into activities to the lowest level possible (similar to the Work Breakdown Structure). After considering the cost of each activity, the overall project cost is estimated.

Brief Project Charter

PREMIUM deliverable
by Elok Robert Tee

This brief, one-page project charter provides a quick snapshot of vital project information, including areas for sponsor, proposed end date, client, cost and more--including a brief goals/objectives section.


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You suffer for your soup.

- Kramer

