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Idea 'Parking Lot' Template

by George Spafford

An excellent idea that is too far outside of your current project's scope may warrant a project of its own, or inclusion in the next phase or a project. Be sure to keep it alive by parking it in this list of opportunities for review.

Identificación de Partes Interesadas y Registro de Clasificación

PREMIUM deliverable
by Verónica Elizabeth Pozo Ruiz

Este registro de Excel le permite realizar un seguimiento de las partes interesadas del proyecto, incluidos los roles, las expectativas, el poder, el interés, la influencia, el impacto y la estrategia de gestión.

Impact Analysis Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Mayte Mata-Sivera

The purpose of an impact analysis is to evaluate the effects, both pro and con, of an item under consideration—anything from solutions to a stated problem to a pending organizational change. In order to be sure that the team understands all the ramifications of a possible change and not just the obvious ones, it's important to consider the situation from multiple perspectives.

Impact Analysis Template (Japanese Translation)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Mayte Mata-Sivera

影響分析の目的は、考慮されている問題の解決策(問題点の解決から保留中の組織変更まで)につきましても、賛否両論の影響を評価することです。 チームが明白な変化だけでなく変化の可能性があることをすべて理解するためには、状況を複数の視点から検討することが重要です。

Incident Activity Log

PREMIUM deliverable
by Elok Robert Tee

There are many ways to record what has happened in a day. This Excel workbook records activities/events/incidents as they occur throughout a workday. At the end of the day, the diary is updated to an Incidence Log for review at the end of a period

Individual Status Report


Where exactly are we on this project, and are we on track? Status from each team member, please!


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"America had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up."

- Oscar Wilde

