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23 items found

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Absenteeism Tracker

by Joe Wynne

This template is designed to assist the project manager with tracking the various types of time off allowed. To remain in compliance with all regulations and to avoid litigation, it is necessary to carefully distinguish between classifications of time off when tracking.

Accountabilities/Tasks/Expectations Matrix

by Joe Wynne

Avoid the shame of inadequate delegation of employee responsibilities. This tool aligns worker action with project needs and corporate strategies. It's also good for upgrading existing documentation and preventing eczema.

Action Item Tracker

by Amogh Kutumbe

Document your action items—along with their owners, priority and progress—using this log.

Actual ROI Worksheet


Use actual accounting data on the performance of your last project to compare how accurate your estimates were versus the real thing. The Actual ROI tool is a quick way to show you how your project performed against the plan and identify areas for improving your estimating skills.

AI Readiness Assessment Template

by Andre Barcaui, PhD, PMP, PMI-ACP

True AI readiness goes beyond superficial appeal; it requires a deep understanding of the organization's business models, challenges and objectives. This spreadsheet assists organizations in analyzing their maturity for adopting AI solutions.

Aligning Project Workforce With Business and Project Objectives

by Joe Wynne

Your project workforce can be better motivated and more effective if it is aligned with the overall business goals of your organization. Use this template as part of your employee motivation and retention strategy and see how quickly performance improves.

An Approach to Quantitative Decision-Making: Analytical Hierarchy Process

by Vyom Bhuta

The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a quantitative decision-making methodology that uses pair-wise comparisons to determine the importance of relative evaluation criteria and the relative strengths of decision alternatives. This document is a crash-course in AHP and is designed to help get you making difficult project decisions (particularly package software-related ones) quickly, confidentally and rationally.

Analisis de Impacto

by Mayte Mata-Sivera

¿Qué es un análisis de impacto? El propósito de un análisis de impacto es evaluar los efectos, tanto pro como contra, de un elemento que se está considerando, desde soluciones a un problema establecido hasta un cambio organizacional pendiente. Para estar seguro de que el equipo comprende todas las ramificaciones de un posible cambio y no solo las obvias, es importante considerar la situación desde múltiples perspectivas. (English translation - What is an impact analysis?

Applicant Interview Questionnaire


You're not the only one who has to answer questions at that next job interview. Be prepared and impress your potential employer with your own set of questions designed to find out if it's a match made in heaven.

Applicant Rejection Letter


With every offer letter, there's a horde of rejections to be made. Make it easier on yourself using this sample letter.


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"I must say that I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a book."

- Groucho Marx

