Batch Specification Template
Need to design any job steps as batch procedures? Here's a comprehensive template to use in specifying how the procedure should be coded and all the pertinent associated information.
Need to design any job steps as batch procedures? Here's a comprehensive template to use in specifying how the procedure should be coded and all the pertinent associated information.
The Benchmarking Blueprint is a 6 step guide to benchmarking and improving a repeatable process in your organization.
Does your organization have a process for ensuring that a strategic initiative's desired outcomes are thoroughly understood and achievable? This two-page document helps to structure thinking around identifying, quantifying and validating the benefits of a proposed project. By discussing and answering these questions, you will address the key areas of strategic alignment, analysis and accountability.
This tool tracks progress against proposed benefits for all project benefit metrics. It compares commitments/projections made in business cases with the actual outcomes. If your projects have purely objective metrics and you monitor performance over a fixed time period, you may wish to repurpose this template into Excel to take advantage of the calculation ability. For subjective metrics and/or variable time periods, this Word version provides more flexibility and easier tracking.
Use this worksheet to assemble a best-case project schedule using real dates.
This zip file contains the White Paper "The Work Breakdown Structure: A Brief Synopsis," a Bicycle Work Breakdown Structure in both Word and Excel, a Bicycle WBS Dictionary in Word and Excel, and a PDF Appendix of the Bicycle Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Example. These resources are presented from the PMI Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structure. PMI members can access a PDF of the full standard at no cost, and anyone can purchase a hard copy via the PMI Store.
Get accurate, influential information out and squelch rumors and destructive speculation with this planning tool. It aids in establishing an effective newsletter and preparing each edition
A crucial phase of the problem solving process is the brainstorming session. Use this worksheet to track and evaluate all ideas.
Use this tracking sheet in conjunction with the Budget Tracking-Actuals project plan to stay on top of your budget.
Project bugs and the forecasting of progress can be complex. An Excel spreadsheet can be employed to gauge the progress of the testing and resolution teams. Using this simplistic method in conjunction with test-estimation techniques can help the project manager determine the completion date for testing efforts. Use this template in conjunction with the article Software-Simplistic Prediction Model for Bug Forecasting.
"If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve" - General William T. Sherman |