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Calculating Earned Value


Earned value is a project technique you can use to monitor, track and report on the performance of any project. This document is a cheat-sheet of formulas you can use to confidently calculate earned value.

Calculating the Long-Term Costs of a Layoff


While no one likes to do it, laying off people sometimes is a cost-effective way of saving a business in a struggling economy. If you are thinking about laying people off (and we sincerely hope you don't have to), calculate the long-term costs involved in such a drastic move.

Calculating the Long-Term Savings of a Layoff


While no one likes to do it, laying off people sometimes is a cost-effective way of saving a business in a struggling economy. If you are thinking about laying people off (and we sincerely hope you don't have to), calculate the long-term savings your company could reap from such a drastic move.

Candidate Vendor Directory


A handy directory for cataloging and referencing application package suppliers and their product offerings.

Canned Query Test Template


Here's a template, with attached examples, for testing your Data Warehouse canned queries (analytical reports).

Career Assessment Template

by Michael Wood

No matter where you are on the career ladder, consider creating a roadmap for moving forward by comparing your current state to the requirements needed to achieve your career goals—and then identify the actions you need to take to make it all happen. Use this template in conjunction with the article What’s Your Career Plan?

Cause & Effect Diagram

by Joe Wynne

This method of diagramming allows the project manager to facilitate a group session in order to efficiently determine causes of a particular problem affecting the project. Once root causes are identified, appropriate actions toward resolution are more easily identified.

Change Control Form


Projects mean change, and change by its very nature can be threatening. Manage change intelligently with documented procedures and record keeping. This change tracking form should help.


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"I have made it a rule never to smoke more than one cigar at a time."

- Mark Twain

