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13 items found

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Objective Comparison of Project Complexity and Performance of Project Managers in the Banking Environment (Template)

by Ivan Poliacik, PhD, PMP

Evaluation of project manager performance after completion can be a challenging part of any project. Use of objective criteria to measure project complexity should supplement evaluation of scope-time-budget performance and subjective factors. The author provides a comparison matrix, designed for a banking environment, that can be applied to any area of project management. The comparison matrix can also be published to the team, to compare performance with colleagues and for self-evaluation. Use this template in conjunction with the Knowledge Shelf article Objective Comparison of Project Complexity and Performance of Project Managers in the Banking Environment.

Offer Letter


The hard part is done--you've found your candidate. Now make sure to include everything in the offer letter.

Oil, Gas and Petrochemical (OGP) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Example

by Project Management Institute

This zip file contains the white paper "The Work Breakdown Structure: A Brief Synopsis," an Oil, Gas and Petrochemical (OGP) Work Breakdown Structure in both Word and Excel, and a PDF Appendix of the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical (OGP) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Example. These resources are presented from the PMI Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures. PMI members can access a PDF of the full standard at no cost, and anyone can purchase a hard copy via the PMI Store.

Open/Cut Activity Schedule


When there's a lot of digging going on, you need to keep track of how, what and where. This form is designed to keep you from being buried up to your neck in confusion.

Operating Procedures


Now that you've built your customized application, make sure that the operations staff knows how to keep it running. Provide well-defined, standardized procedures for the system operations staff.

OPM3 Assessment Stakeholder Analysis

by John Schlichter

This tool helps champions of OPM3 assessments analyze stakeholders who may impact the success of OPM3 implementations.

OPM3® Self-Assessment Questionnaire

by Marcos Guoglielmi

Get help assessing your organizational maturity with this set of 500 questions that correspond with PMI's Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®).

OPM3® Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Spanish)

by Marcos Guoglielmi

Obtenga ayuda para evaluar su madurez organizativa con este conjunto de 500 preguntas que se corresponden con el Modelo de Madurez de Gestión de Proyectos Organizativos (OPM3®) de PMI.

Options Comparison

by George Jucan, MSc, PMP, OCP

Engaged in the path of transforming their business processes, many organizations need to choose between multiple options available to satisfy their needs. This deliverable is a sample template discussed in the article "The Bumpy Road to Alternate Service Delivery", which presents some practical advice for the analysis and selection process.

Options to Address Project Cost Risk

by Michael Bissonette

Project costs receive serious scrutiny from executives and stakeholders who use ROI and other financial metrics to judge organizational performance. Here is a checklist of questions to help project leaders and their teams determine the best available options for responding to project cost risks and issues that may arise.


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"It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not to deserve them."

- Mark Twain

