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Earned Value Analysis Calculator

PREMIUM deliverable

Earned Value Analysis is a methodology for determining cost and schedule performance of a project by comparing planned work with accomplished work in terms of the dollar value assigned to the work. This template will help you do just that.

Earned Value and Earned Schedule Analysis Worksheet

PREMIUM deliverable
by Wilko Reinck

This Excel sheet performs the calculation for earned value and earned schedule analysis. The forecast resulting from all KPIs [time-based SPI, CPI, CPI (internal), CPI (external) and WPI] is calculated based on the different forecast methods proposed by A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). The user can choose which method shall be used for each KPI.

Education Project Budgeting Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Joao Correia

This template is a budgeting tool/business case template for open enrollment education projects. It has several sheets: one that allows for bottom-up budgeting of the project; one that generates a profit/loss statement for the course; one that calculates key performance indicators; and a “what if" analysis based on cost and sales variations.

Employee Development and Performance Appraisal

PREMIUM deliverable

There are two key parts to employee evaluations: How they're doing, and where they're going. This template will help you with both the "now" of the performance appraisal and the "future" of that employees career path and development.

Employee Engagement and System Alignment Guidelines and Checklists

PREMIUM deliverable

This five-part Employee Engagement and System Alignment Guidelines and Checklists allow you to look at how your employees find themselves engaged with or disengaged from their workplace in relation to their understanding of leadership values responsible for the workplace culture and philosophies.

Employee Feedback Planner

PREMIUM deliverable

Use this form to prepare and organize more useful feedback for team members and other people involved in your team.

Employee Reward Program and Incentive Checklists

PREMIUM deliverable
by Dennis Torrecampo

Each employee or team member is unique, with specific skills, talents, weaknesses and work styles. Shouldn't your employee incentive and reward program reflect that individuality? This set of checklists and worksheets will help you develop a program to keep employees happy and motivated, with appropriate incentives and rewards--developed with input from each of them

Employee Satisfaction Survey

PREMIUM deliverable

Can't get no satisfaction at your company? Find out why--and how to fix the problem--using this employee survey.

Enterprise-wide Analysis

PREMIUM deliverable

This document outlines the Enterprise-wide Analysis, which describes the enterprise application package’s features and functions, analyses on its cost-benefit and risks, and the technical requirements to be supported.

Estimate Effort Template (IT)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Irina Kulikova

This template helps calculate the estimated efforts for IT projects. The method is based on the concept of using use cases for the calculation of software size. In the yellows cells, insert quantity values of elements of the system use case with factoring to account for technical and environmental considerations.


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"The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage."

- Mark Russell

