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16 items found

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Early Justification Service Level Agreement Planner

by Joe Wynne

This tool is designed to create service level agreement information for a justification or similar document. It is most useful for IT organizations that are too small to have a Project Management Office, but can use better control over linking project service level agreements with business objectives.

Earned Value Management (EVM) Calculator

by Andy Jordan

The basic premise of EVM is that we can assign a value to each task. We can then determine the progress that we have made on our project relative to schedule by comparing the amount of work completed with the amount of work planned to have been completed at the reporting date, and the progress relative to budget by comparing the amount of money that we have actually spent with the amount of money that we planned to spend.

Earthwork Inspection Report


The earthwork inspection report will tell you at a glance if your site has been properly prepared before any construction begins.

Effort-Based Project Forecasting Workbook

by George Jucan, MSc, PMP, OCP

The attached workbook is useful for these many projects out there where no costing data can be used--or is not available--so the classic Earned Value Technique cannot be applied. It provides not only a progress tracking mechanism but also effort based project forecasting based on the above consideration.

Environmental Management Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Example

by Project Management Institute

This zip file contains the white paper "The Work Breakdown Structure: A Brief Synopsis," an Environmental Management Work Breakdown Structure in both Word and Excel, and a PDF Appendix of the Environmental Management Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Example. These resources are presented from the PMI Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures. PMI members can access a PDF of the full standard at no cost, and anyone can purchase a hard copy via the PMI Store.

Equipment List and Cost Estimate Form


This standard word processor table can be used to build a simple and powerful project database. As the project progresses, the form evolves from a cost estimate to a final equipment list.

Evaluating Proposed Initiatives: 7 Qs

by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

Here are seven important questions to consider when evaluating a proposed initiative. They can be referenced by executives or directly posed to the project champion, who may also use them as a guideline for presenting the opportunity. Regardless, they support better understanding of the specifics of any given initiative.


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