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16 items found

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Major Service Change Request

PREMIUM deliverable

This document details the impact a proposed IT project or major service change will have on the current and planned infrastructure of an enterprise.

Man-Hour Capacity Planning Worksheet

PREMIUM deliverable
by Elok Robert Tee

A team may work on multiple and overlapping projects. The estimated time and the manner to accomplish the projects may be planned and monitored as cumulative man-hours. This worksheet template is used to determine man-hour capacity for the months ahead, and record accomplishment of past months. Use in conjunction with the article Man-Hour Capacity Planning.

Manpower/Resource Mobilization-Demobilization Schedule

PREMIUM deliverable
by Anas Khan

After calculating the resources required (with the help of company productivity norms and with the time available), this schedule will help project stakeholders have a clear idea about the current and future manpower requirements for any given construction project.

Material Checklist

PREMIUM deliverable
by Rami Kaibni

This material checklist and signoff form can be used for any type of material inspection. It is widely used in construction under the quality control process, but can be adapted for other non-construction areas.

Meeting Minutes Register

PREMIUM deliverable
by Rami Kaibni

This simple register is used to document meeting outcomes and actions to be taken, and also documents the list of participants/stakeholders. It is part of communications management.

Meeting Minutes Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Aejaz Shaikh

Communication is critical for project success, and meetings are a part of that crucial channel. To make the most out of meetings, a follow-up action plan must be used. This template has all of the necessary placeholders to help you keep track of commitments and action items.

Methodology Implementation Project Charter

PREMIUM deliverable

This is a high-level example of a Project Charter for implementing a methodology, but the structure and approach will work for many projects. This example is heavy on risks and assumptions, light on budgeting, role descriptions and conflict resolution.

Mini Project Charter

PREMIUM deliverable
by Nikole Bordato

This template is a simple, clean and modern version for small projects. This mini-charter template is only one page and includes sections for project goals, scope, deliverables, stakeholders, milestones, budget, constraints, assumptions, risks and dependencies. Brief instructional direction is provided.

Mobile Application Development Communications Management Plan

PREMIUM deliverable
by Michael Gay

This template was created with consideration to the billion-dollar fantasy sports media industry--and specifically the mobile application market. Every project manager in this industry will have different approaches to managing business communication, thus deeming it necessary for you to adjust this template in order to reflect needs specific to your organization.

Monthly Audit Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Ishita Mitra

This template is to be used by internal auditors for reviewing project governance and compliance with organizational standards. This template focuses on the project budget, resource utilization and project health. It can be further expanded to include other project constraints; add more details as per your organization's audit needs.


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"I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."

- Winston Churchill

