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Task Duration Estimation Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Kevin Moorman

This Excel template is to be used in conjunction with the article Task Duration Estimation: A Simple Solution. Together, they can be used to conduct a Monte Carlo simulation. This will provide a statistically reliable method of estimating the minimum required time to schedule for any task so that its chance of success falls within a given confidence parameter.

Task Progress Chart

PREMIUM deliverable
by Elok Robert Tee

In a traditional project environment, work may be rolling in for the project team as tasks—each task seen as a story from a product backlog. This worksheet is a tool to track progress of similar tasks on a weekly basis over a project duration. Use in conjunction with the Tracking Performance by Tasks article.

Team Lead & Stakeholder Relationship Management Planner

by Joe Wynne

Avoid the frustration of a badly managed relationship with a team lead or stakeholder by taking the communication initiative. This guide will help you start a constructive conversation before mistakes or omissions are made.

Team Member Procurement Contract


How do you officially "borrow" the team members you need for your project if they belong to another project or department? Here's a formal contract for procuring their time.

Team-Building Icebreakers

PREMIUM deliverable

They may seem simple at first, but icebreaking activities for teams can go a long way toward building a cohesive group that works well together, resulting in a successful project. Don't take them for granted...use this deliverable for help.

TeamPlay Pilot Evaluation


Try before you buy, or something like that! Use TeamPlay to audition a particular method as a candidate best practice in a live project pilot situation.

Technology Project Status Report

by Payam Montazami

This clean and simple Microsoft Word template can be used for reporting the status of various technology type projects. It allows you to report high level information as well as a breakdown of the details when required. (Note: The fields can easily be renamed to fit other types of projects.)


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"Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake."

- W. C. Fields

