Package Cost Spreadsheet
How much will implementing, customizing, operating and upgrading an application package cost? Analyze how it fits your budget with the package cost spreadsheet.
How much will implementing, customizing, operating and upgrading an application package cost? Analyze how it fits your budget with the package cost spreadsheet.
Defining project team roles and responsibilities ahead of time will save everyone's sanity. Here's a sample role/responsibility assignment matrix.
Make sure that your whole team is submitting work that meets the requirements of the project. Use this quality review form to assess the work of your fellow team members and discover and recommend changes if necessary.
Many construction companies have an annual or semi-annual performance review process in which they conduct interviews with the employees in an atmosphere that creates an open dialogue. This form will help assist the manager in conducting a review methodically and comprehensively. Individual companies can tailor the form to suit their specific needs and requirements.
Meet your goals by ensuring that everyone else can meet theirs. This tool will clarify performance expectations and help you monitor and manage work quantity and quality.
Use this template in conjunction with the article How to Strengthen Your Resilience to help evaluate yourself across 12 dimensions and look for areas to improve—and strengths that will enable you to help others.
PERT analysis requires the identification of three types of estimates, usually generated in conjunction with experts. Those are: best case (the least amount of time that a task might take), worst case (the most time that a task might take) and most likely (the expected time). This can be used to calculate effort or duration.
Need to open a brand new project management office, or a branch office of any type? Use this template to keep track of all the essentials--from startup dates to office supplies, from floor plans to security.
This template is designed to assist with developing a communication plan and specific messages when new governance standards are being implemented throughout the IT organization. This template does not include training, which is also a part of standards deployment, but focuses on the “marketing effort” that is weak in many deployments.
The following interview questions are just a few that can be used to staff PMOs at various levels in an organization, and should be tailored according to the specific PMO’s form and function.
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT's relativity." - Albert Einstein |