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9 items found

Sample Project Plan


You need more than a boss idea to make a project come to life. You need a project plan solidly rooted in a business case.

Sarbanes-Oxley Workforce Communications & Training Planner

by Joe Wynne

This template is designed to assist the project manager with planning for Sarbanes-Oxley communications and training. After a group of stakeholders meet to complete the template, results feed into training plans and communication plans.

Siebel Scope Statement


Begin your Siebel implementation project by defining the scope at a high level. Here's an example from the Financial industry.

Stakeholder Analysis

by Joe Wynne

This document will assist project managers in preparing to interview all stakeholders in a project. It will help you understand the general needs of various groups an individuals that your project will impact.

Stakeholder Expectations Template

by George Spafford

Sponsors and stakeholders expect certain things. And your project team needs to discover, review and document certain expectations as requirements. Use this detailed interview template for this discussion with the sponsor, as well as when interviewing various stakeholders.

Standard Business Case

by Michael Wood

Document a business case to persuade upper management to fund your project. Keep it short and succinct enough that the busy executive management audience will read and digest it. It should directly convey the information they need to know with salient, hard-hitting, supporting evidence that addresses the bottom line. This is a basic instructional framework of the information you should include in your business case. Enhance it as you wish!

Statement of Principles


What is our purpose in acquiring and using an application package and what compromises are permissible? Determine the key business drivers, must-haves and tradeoffs before you begin the acquisition and implementation process. This information is critical to making a business case for a packaged application business solution.

Strategic Plan Workbook

by Marcia Mitchell, PMP

This workbook has been created to provide a generic and customizable tool for performing strategic planning with the intention of producing a strategic plan, including a roadmap. This workbook contains strategic planning process instructions and information, and can be used by novices through experts.



"If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve"

- General William T. Sherman

