Launch Methodology Flow
Are your projects in line with your company's objectives? Use this flow diagram as a reality check. Look before you launch!
Are your projects in line with your company's objectives? Use this flow diagram as a reality check. Look before you launch!
Alignment is always an important issue - and not just on a business level. Organizational interests and personal interests must be aligned to really make things happen. Post-mortem focus - How did corporate performance reviews and individual development planning programs impact your project? This questionnaire will allow you to analyze these processes, develop conclusions and make recommendations.
How did the corporate career development program and succession planning program impact your project? This questionnaire will allow you to analyze these processes, develop conclusions and make recommendations.
How did corporate performance reviews and individual development planning programs impact your project? This questionnaire will allow you to analyze these processes, develop conclusions and make recommendations.
How did project feedback mechanisms and performance goal setting impact your project? This questionnaire will allow you to analyze these processes, develop conclusions and make recommendations.
Was everyone on your team properly trained and receive the appropriate orientation at the right time during the course of your project? Use this 24 point template to conduct a consistent training and orientation post-mortem across all projects. Over time, it will reveal trends and issues that could point to needed training changes across your organization.
Was your project properly staffed from the start? Use this 29 point template to conduct a consistent staffing post-mortem across all projects. Over time, it will reveal trends and issues that could point to needed staffing changes across your organization.
This document is intended to help provide more detailed data for lessons learned or project post-mortem exercises that can be compared with previous projects over time. It is inspired by the article A More Scientific Approach to Lessons Learned?
From the Gartner PPM Summit 2007
If the first time your customers see a product is
during a focus group, then you have lost 70 percent of the opportunity to leverage them in the innovation process.
"No Sane man will dance." - Cicero |