Security Procedures
What's the password? Do the right and only the right people know how to get into the system? Document the procedures and access priveleges and restrictions for keeping your application package system secure.
What's the password? Do the right and only the right people know how to get into the system? Document the procedures and access priveleges and restrictions for keeping your application package system secure.
Here's a simple and practical Excel spreadsheet set up so you can calculate cash flows.
The site survey process is a key activity in planning and deploying a product. This document allows the customer to provide a detailed description of the environment where it will be installed. Obtaining such information will assist a company engineer when providing support prior, during and after the product installation.
Got a question? Refer to the manual. This comprehensive template will help you create a useful--we'd even say indispensible--user manual for your new software system. Don't leave home without it.
This extensive document template will help you to ensure that everyone--client and consultant--is on the same page before you begin your next project.
If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith. - Albert Einstein |