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Status Reporting and Work Plan Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Sara Singh

This template was developed for its use on construction projects. However, its format and ease of data entry allows it to be easily transferrable to numerous disciplines. The sample template shows one Project Package, which is further categorized into three Project Phases.

Sample Weekly Construction Project Report

PREMIUM deliverable
by Alisher Aliev

This template is a sample Weekly Project Report originally utilized in an EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) Gas Chemical Project. The report contains sections for project control (project progress, manpower status, area of concern, shipment status, delivery status); QA/QC status; HSE status; and more. Adapt as needed for your own project.

Daily Progress Report (Construction Subcontractor)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Mustafa AlMashhadi

This daily report is geared toward construction subcontractors to log activities, workforce, activities, materials, weather and more. Adapt to fit your project needs.

Green Projects Procurement System

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stefano Pittaluga

This template and its instruction sheet is aimed at project managers of solar projects for managing the procurement system process. It allows you to create and manage different procurement process data (item types, supplier list, contacts by suppliers); to create an RFP, linking it to a restricted list of preferred suppliers; to send automatic email to selected suppliers belonging to a certain RFP; to create a standard form email; to calculate forecasted date of answer from supplier; and report overdue dates.

Manpower/Resource Mobilization-Demobilization Schedule

PREMIUM deliverable
by Anas Khan

After calculating the resources required (with the help of company productivity norms and with the time available), this schedule will help project stakeholders have a clear idea about the current and future manpower requirements for any given construction project.

Site Instruction Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Sameh Nasr

When working on a construction project, use this Site Instruction form to keep track of pertinent details and confirm approvals by the resident engineer, construction manager and lead engineer.

Material Checklist

PREMIUM deliverable
by Rami Kaibni

This material checklist and signoff form can be used for any type of material inspection. It is widely used in construction under the quality control process, but can be adapted for other non-construction areas.

Daily Activities Report Sample (Construction)

by Rami Kaibni

This sample report works mainly for construction projects. It is a daily site activity report submitted by the site manager in charge to the section manager. It reflects the work accomplished and areas of concern. It helps in early identification of any schedule creeps or arising risks or concerns that might delay the project.

Sample Job Function Description (Construction)

by Rami Kaibni

This sample template is an example of a completed Job Function Description for a position in the construction industry. You can modify it to apply to other industries/projects/positions. It should be used to write in details on the roles and responsibilities of key team members. It can be used for any project and it is very useful in properly identifying the exact responsibilities required from each key team member.


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"The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man that can not read them."

- Mark Twain

