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PREMIUM presentation
by Stuart Thorp
Discounted Cash Flow analysis is a great tool to quantify the value of financial benefits delivered by a project and the rate at which that benefit is delivered. Discounted Carbon Flow analysis follows an identical set of principles and calculations but applies these to the carbon emission cost of executing a project and the carbon emission (reduction) benefit of the project outcome. To deliver the Paris Agreement targets we need to urgently and massively reduce global CO2 emissions, and Discounted Carbon Flow is a great tool to support this as the principles are already understood from the equivalent financial analysis.
PREMIUM presentation
by David Barrett
The project management field is pretty crowded out there. It’s no longer enough to just be really good at what you do. You have to be more. It’s no longer build it on time, on scope, and on budget. You have to add value over and above the normal requirements of project managers. So how do we add value? How do we stand out in the crowd? How do we get recognized in this very crowded field? In this webinar, David Barrett will get us thinking about what we can do to innovate our careers and get to the next level.
PREMIUM presentation
by Dana Brownlee
Today's leaders are being asked to do more with less in increasingly challenging workplace environments.
Likewise, project managers are constantly tasked with simultaneously controlling time, cost, and quality while
continuously motivating their cross functional teams.
PREMIUM presentation
by Philip Diab
Project Management professionals who play a leading role in driving critical organizational initiatives often don’t
see themselves as responsible for the care and feeding of team members when it comes to career development.
PREMIUM presentation
by Laura Barnard
Are you ready to stop “surviving” and start thriving in your organization? It’s time to transform our project management mindset and shift our focus to an IMPACT-driven culture. In this inspiring and insightful presentation, you will learn Laura’s proven system for transforming your career from Project Manager to IMPACT Driver.
PREMIUM presentation
by Laszlo Retfalvi
Management of medium to large complex procurement and integration projects is a difficult challenge. As
projects increase in complexity and schedules become more aggressive, the ability of a Project Manager to
effectively lead projects teams and influence stakeholders significantly improves the chances of successful
project execution and organizational success.
PREMIUM presentation
by Shawn Murphy
The widening gap of available talent presents a serious threat to a company’s growth. The irony in this threatening reality is that to overcome it requires a shift in thinking: attracting top talent is no longer about finding the best who can help the company grow; top organizations also adopt a mindset of helping its employees grow into their potential. It becomes a mutually beneficial partnership.
PREMIUM presentation
by Wojciech Dymowski, Tomasz Grochowski
How can AI assistants make your work smarter? Discover the art of asking good questions to AI. Let’s discuss foundational and advanced techniques for prompting. Discover prompt optimization pro tips and powerful concepts like meta prompts.
PREMIUM deliverable
by Kevin Moorman
This Excel template is to be used in conjunction with the article Task Duration Estimation: A Simple Solution. Together, they can be used to conduct a Monte Carlo simulation. This will provide a statistically reliable method of estimating the minimum required time to schedule for any task so that its chance of success falls within a given confidence parameter.
PREMIUM deliverable
by Elok Robert Tee
In a traditional project environment, work may be rolling in for the project team as tasks—each task seen as a story from a product backlog. This worksheet is a tool to track progress of similar tasks on a weekly basis over a project duration. Use in conjunction with the Tracking Performance by Tasks article.
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"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."
- John F. Kennedy