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Dealing with Difficult People: Extended Q&A

by Neal Whitten

We all encounter difficult people in the workplace. We may be that way ourselves from time to time. How effective you are at dealing with difficult people has a direct impact on how successful you become and can affect your job advancement, your relationships, your overall confidence, and even your health.

Product Management vs. Project Management: Collaboration, Similarities, and Differences Across Roles

by Jill Diffendal, Caitlin Sullivan, Kyela Bishop, CHIH-CHIEH HSIEH, Tessa Constantine, Otis Yi

This session is ideal for professionals in product and project management, team leaders, and anyone looking to enhance collaboration between these critical functions. Whether you're new to the field or a seasoned expert, you'll leave with a better understanding of collaborative approaches for product and project management

Measuring DEI Within Your Project Teams

by Alex Vargas, Murugi Kagotho, Neema Jain, Omar Saleem

Understanding and measuring the impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives is crucial for project management professionals striving to create inclusive and equitable work environments. This webinar will offer a comprehensive overview of how to quantify DEI efforts within project teams and processes.

Ethical Project Leadership in a Digital Age

by Shenila Shahabuddin, Diane McDevitt

The session also covers data privacy, stakeholder engagement, and maintaining resilience in the face of technological disruptions.

Ethical Project Leadership in a Digital Age

by Shenila Shahabuddin, Diane McDevitt

The session also covers data privacy, stakeholder engagement, and maintaining resilience in the face of technological disruptions.

Artificial Intelligence and Project Management: Empirical Overview, State of the Art, and Guidelines for Future Research

by Ralf Müller, Daniel Nicholls, TEMISAN SAGAY, Giorgio Locatelli, vered holzmann

Desk rejections of artificial intelligence (AI)–related submissions to the Project Management Journal® (PMJ) are high. This webinar will provide an overview and state-of-the-art snapshot on academic and practitioner work to derive at potential future research topics and guidelines on the execution and reporting of AI-related studies in project management.

Driving Social Impact: Equipping Latin America’s Next Generation with Project Management Expertise 1

by Caitlin Sullivan, Tim Swain, Maria Carolina Latorre, Macarena Valente Cortez, Noel Zemborain

Globally, we face numerous challenges, and together, we seek solutions. At the heart of these efforts are project management skills. Identifying and developing project talent and focusing on technical talent and power skills in the region is critical. Discover how the PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF), JA Americas, PMI Latin America team, and multiple PMI chapters are addressing the region’s growing demand for project professionals by equipping the next generation with tools for success.


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"Too bad all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxi cabs and cutting hair."

- George Burns

