Project Management
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La gestion de projet à l’international - Enjeux selon les milieux de travail: Des ONGs à l'entreprise privée

by Alexandru Beg, Aliki Courmanopoulos, NICOLAS GAUVIN, Michèle Le Moëligou, Robert Nadeau

Vous aimeriez en apprendre plus sur la gestion de projet à l’international et sur les enjeux que cela peut comporter? Ne manquez pas le webinaire du 26 février prochain! Quels sont les défis et les bonnes pratiques en gestion de projet à l’international? Quelle est la réalité de la gestion des parties prenantes dans le cadre de projets dans ce contexte? Au cours de ce webinaire, deux professionnels de la gestion de projet vous partageront leur parcours professionnel, ainsi que les expériences professionnelles qui leur ont servi de tremplins pour orienter leur carrière en gestion de projet à l’international. De la coopération internationale à l’entreprise privée, ils exploreront les défis auxquels ils ont fait face, ainsi que les bénéfices qu'ils en ont retirés. L’un oeuvrant pour une ONG internationale, l’autre pour une entreprise privée, ils effectueront une analyse de la gestion des parties prenantes dans le contexte professionnel respectif. Quelles compétences transférables sont nécessaires pour devenir gestionnaires de projets internationaux; comment faire face aux défis de la gestion de la diversité; comment travailler dans une optique d’empowerment des équipes locales; comment conjuguer sa propre adaptation à la vie à l’étranger et son travail, voilà des questions auxquelles nos panélistes répondront lors du webinaire.

Labor Hour and Cost Tracker

by Jim Harris

Time and labor are unavoidable expenses in a project. If you have your finger on the pulse of your project, you need to track labor hours and related costs. This two-for-one template includes a ready-to-use Excel spreadsheet and complete instructions in Word to help you do just that.

Labor Tracking Spreadsheet


Whether you are managing a large or small project, you need to keep track of your labor costs. This sheet is designed for a medium-sized project, but you can up- or downsize it as necessary.

Landscape Cost Estimating Checklist


When construction is over, you need to put in some ground cover, greenery and plants so the site doesn't look like a war zone. Use this checklist so your budget won't, either.

Launch Methodology Flow


Are your projects in line with your company's objectives? Use this flow diagram as a reality check. Look before you launch!

Leadership and Communication


Communication and leadership go hand in hand. You will fail as a project manager if you cannot communicate your intentions and the progress of your project to team members and executive management on a regular basis. This presentation will help you take the reins of your project by teaching you the fundamentals of communication.

Leadership Skills Assessment

by Stephane Parent

This template is designed to be used in conjunction with the webinar Develop Leadership - Deliver Leaders! Go to each of the tabs (Vision & Values, Direction, Persuasion, Support, Development, Appreciation) and assign a value of 0 (lowest) to 5 (highest) to the questions, before and after a leadership growing event, such as a project. The Summary tab will display the overall ratings for each dimension, along with a graph of the results. Based on Toastmasters' High Performance Leadership workbook.

Lessons Learned Analysis: Employee Performance Management & Individual Development Planning

by Joe Wynne

Alignment is always an important issue - and not just on a business level. Organizational interests and personal interests must be aligned to really make things happen. Post-mortem focus - How did corporate performance reviews and individual development planning programs impact your project? This questionnaire will allow you to analyze these processes, develop conclusions and make recommendations.


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"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."

- Bertrand Russell

