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Teaching and Learning at a Safe Distance: Moving Your PM Classes Online

by John Cable, Jill Diffendal, Ashley Forsyth

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced colleges and universities around the world to move to remote learning for all classes. While some institutions and faculty are used to this delivery modality, others are jumping in for the first time with little time to plan and prepare. During this webinar, project management faculty members with extensive experience teaching online will share their best practices as well as simple, actionable tips that can help smooth the transition from in-person to remote classes.

Teaching and Learning at a Safe Distance: Moving Your PM Classes Online

by John Cable, Jill Diffendal, Ashley Forsyth

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced colleges and universities around the world to move to remote learning for all classes. While some institutions and faculty are used to this delivery modality, others are jumping in for the first time with little time to plan and prepare. During this webinar, project management faculty members with extensive experience teaching online will share their best practices as well as simple, actionable tips that can help smooth the transition from in-person to remote classes.

Team Lead & Stakeholder Relationship Management Planner

by Joe Wynne

Avoid the frustration of a badly managed relationship with a team lead or stakeholder by taking the communication initiative. This guide will help you start a constructive conversation before mistakes or omissions are made.

Team Member Procurement Contract


How do you officially "borrow" the team members you need for your project if they belong to another project or department? Here's a formal contract for procuring their time.

Team Operating Agreement


This Team Operating Agreement will document the team’s agreement around: values, decision-making, communication, problem-solving and commitments.

TeamPlay Pilot Evaluation


Try before you buy, or something like that! Use TeamPlay to audition a particular method as a candidate best practice in a live project pilot situation.


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"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."

- Douglas Adams

