Project Management
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Kaizen: Leading Change for the Better

PREMIUM presentation
by Michael Perdunn

Kaizen simply means "change for better". When Kaizen is applied through a consistent and sustained program of successful Kaizen events, it teaches employees to think differently about their work.

Kanban - Beyond the Participation Board

PREMIUM presentation
by Mohua Ghosh

Kanban beyond the participation board delves into how to leverage Kanban Board beyond just the work management tool by an Agile team. Team reflects the use of Kanban Board for effective Stakeholder Management and driving Customer Centricity.

Key Competencies Project Managers Need to Align with the Project Context

PREMIUM presentation
by Nelson J. Rosamilha

There are more than a hundred different competences in project management and different competence guidelines, as a project professional to increase the probability to deliver a project with success and improve your personal performance it is necessary to understand the context of the project and use the most context-sensitive project management competences. This session will present what are the most important competences according to the type of the project which may be 14 different typologies.

Key Performance Indicator Spreadsheet Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are ways of measuring and monitoring project health. This template provides structure to outlining and articulating measures. It is the means of defining the KPIs that will be used, how they will be measured, and how they should be interpreted.

Key Performance Indicator Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Harold Hunt

While numerous key performance indicators (KPIs) typically influence IT projects generally, the benefit of tracking all of them may be outweighed by the cost to do so. Therefore, each project must carefully select and manage those KPIs most relevant to its specific situation. This sample template can be used to define KPIs; also included is a table with examples of possible KPIs for each of the previously defined project-critical success factors (PCSFs) and a metric (measure and dimension) for each KPI. Use in conjunction with the article Determining IT Project Health.

Killer Requirements Generation Using Design Sprints

PREMIUM presentation
by David Angelow 

Requirements are a key driver for any project and there is a direct relationship between the accuracy of requirements and the outcome of a project. In many cases there is a direct link between scope and requirements, hence requirement definition impacts project scope.

KM Good Writing Checklist

PREMIUM checklist

"Me...write...good." Sure you do. Nonetheless, might we suggest a little help in planning and organizing your document production? How about some help utilizing the knowledge that stems from it? Go ahead. Click here. We won't say a word...

Know Your Domain (KYD)

PREMIUM presentation
by Ashutosh Bhatawadekar

As Technology Providers and Leaders What could be the challenges we face when we move across from one Domain to another domain? Is there a common thread, which we as Technology partners can leverage to make this transition smooth? In the proposed webinar, I bring an approach called KYD is (Know Your Domain and how you can apply this model to make this transition into a new domain a successful one.

Knowledge Management 101

PREMIUM presentation

Here it is, a comprehensive crash course on knowledge management--what it is, what it does and why your company needs it.

Knowledge Management and Intranet User Development Strategy

PREMIUM presentation

The most logical and accessible place to manage your corporate knowledge repository is on your company's intranet. This comprehensive Powerpoint presentation covers a user development strategy for this very purpose.


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"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

