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PREMIUM presentation
by Antonio Nieto
Too many project leaders think rigidly about Waterfall and Agile project management methodologies and believe they must choose between the two. But many projects — especially those with diverse stakeholder needs and complex structures — benefit from a hybrid approach that combines aspects of Waterfall and Agile. The rise of hybrid methods isn’t tied to a particular time or event; instead, they have evolved organically as a response to the needs of modern, complex projects. A review of the key components of Waterfall and Agile allows project leaders to select among them to build a hybrid approach based on the unique demands of each project.
PREMIUM project plan
The HEADWAY large project plan is a work breakdown structure in MS Project containing links to detailed instructions and resources on gantthead.
PREMIUM project plan
The HEADWAY medium-size project plan is a work breakdown structure in MS Project containing links to detailed instructions and resources on gantthead.
PREMIUM project plan
The HEADWAY small project plan is a work breakdown structure in MS Project containing links to detailed instructions and resources on gantthead.
PREMIUM presentation
You're a project manager who had little or no say-so about who would be on the project team. Now you're stuck with people who have been imposed upon you. What do you do?
by Anna Wiewiora, Peter O'Connor
Project managers are regularly confronted with complex and ambiguous situations in their projects. Ambiguities in projects impact decision making, evoke negative emotions such as stress or anxiety and can have long-term consequences on job satisfaction and burnout. The webinar will present findings from three interrelated studies on managing ambiguities in projects. We will present a catalog of ambiguous situations in projects, including types of ambiguities and specific examples of ambiguities in projects. We will outline and discuss individual, organizational, and situational conditions affecting tolerance of ambiguity, and provide a range of recommendations and strategies for managing ambiguities in projects. Findings from these studies were drawn from the established literature on ambiguities and uncertainties in projects, data from interviews with experienced project managers, and a longitudinal survey with 275 project managers.
PREMIUM deliverable
by Eduard Hernandez
This sample Excel worksheet includes a Gantt chart with resource estimation (man hour, machine hour) and cost estimation. It provides a quick way to calculate project budget and project selling price.
PREMIUM deliverable
by Madhuri Adettiwar
In large organizations, there are always a large number of stakeholders involved in any project. When the project size is small, you need to create a roadmap that is very simple, easy to follow and can be used by all stakeholders to get approvals, plan their work and reach the excepted milestones. This Excel roadmap provides a simple one-page view of the entire schedule for a small project.
PREMIUM presentation
by Adam Cherrill
In this session Adam describes and illustrates best practices that inform the HVP approach as well as his own learning and experiences from a Project Management perspective. He examines how HVP systems and culture drive Project Management Excellence through mastery of Input Management, Action Management, and Work Management domains. Participants learn how the Getting Things Done (GTD) framework, Toyota Production System “Rules in Use”, and Theory of Constraints inform the High-Velocity Productivity mindset. If you’re a project manager seeking better guidance, navigation, and control of your work, you will not want to miss this webinar with Adam as he shares his own experiences, combat tactics, and battle scars from lessons learned along his never-ending journey towards High-Velocity Productivity.
PREMIUM presentation
by Adam Cherrill
In this session Adam describes and illustrates best practices that inform the HVP approach as well as his own learning and experiences from a Project Management perspective. He examines how HVP systems and culture drive Project Management Excellence through mastery of Input Management, Action Management, and Work Management domains. Participants learn how the Getting Things Done (GTD) framework, Toyota Production System “Rules in Use”, and Theory of Constraints inform the High-Velocity Productivity mindset. If you’re a project manager seeking better guidance, navigation, and control of your work, you will not want to miss this webinar with Adam as he shares his own experiences, combat tactics, and battle scars from lessons learned along his never-ending journey towards High-Velocity Productivity.
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"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."
- Winston Churchill