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I am a PMP®, Now What? – Career Strategies for Project Managers

PREMIUM presentation
by NK Shrivastava, Phillip George

Many times, project managers are not sure what that next step should be after they earn their Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification. In this webinar, we will describe several possible career paths based on our experience and share tips on how to get started.

I.D.E.A. to Manage Onboarding Companies that are Switching Banks or Service Providers

PREMIUM presentation

It is very daunting and challenging for a decent sized organisation to change service providers. These service providers range from financial services (banks), IT providers, accountancy etc. There are too many moving parts and could potentially cause a lot of headaches. If not managed well, this can lead to business disruptions, losses and might affect the reputation of the company. As such, transition management is important to manage the scope, timelines and costs of change. Transition manager also manages the communication between all stakeholders and resolve any conflicts that potentially could delay the transition go live. Transition management is basically not as complicated and does not utilize all the PMBOK knowledge areas but certain PM skills are required.

Identificación de Partes Interesadas y Registro de Clasificación

PREMIUM deliverable
by Verónica Elizabeth Pozo Ruiz

Este registro de Excel le permite realizar un seguimiento de las partes interesadas del proyecto, incluidos los roles, las expectativas, el poder, el interés, la influencia, el impacto y la estrategia de gestión.

Identifying and Developing Future Leaders

PREMIUM presentation
by Nidhi Shah

This webinar highlights the need for developing an integrated framework for leadership identification & development. It outlines the key steps which are recommended to be taken by companies looking to implement a successful Leadership Identification and Development program.

If You Don't Want To Be Replaced By a Robot, Don't Act Like One

PREMIUM presentation
by Trajano Leme Filho

Do you know how the future Project Management will looks like? Are you afraid of the transformations? So, this webinar is for you! We will discuss the future of work in our role. The transformations brought about by AI and Robotization can be seen in different ways, depending on the lens with which professionals see the challenges and changes underway. Let's talk about these two big trends of the moment and how they can be considered allies in generating efficiency and not just as an additional source of anxiety and how they reflect on the impact in the future of work.

Impact Analysis Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Mayte Mata-Sivera

The purpose of an impact analysis is to evaluate the effects, both pro and con, of an item under consideration—anything from solutions to a stated problem to a pending organizational change. In order to be sure that the team understands all the ramifications of a possible change and not just the obvious ones, it's important to consider the situation from multiple perspectives.

Impact Analysis Template (Japanese Translation)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Mayte Mata-Sivera

影響分析の目的は、考慮されている問題の解決策(問題点の解決から保留中の組織変更まで)につきましても、賛否両論の影響を評価することです。 チームが明白な変化だけでなく変化の可能性があることをすべて理解するためには、状況を複数の視点から検討することが重要です。

Implementing SFA

PREMIUM project plan

Stay on top of your Sales Force Automation implementation with this project plan.

Implementing Successful Change – What matters the most?

PREMIUM presentation
by Naila Qazi

The current economic landscape is swept by one disruption after another – the only real strategy to survive each new trend is to embrace change management strategies. ‘Nimble’ organizations that are willing to make quick decisions and in the nick of time are the ones that can survive the toughest ordeals – from global pandemics to regulatory bottlenecks. Change can be organizational-wide, team-based and may stem from a number of factors – from technology to internal politics and everything in between. In this case, learning how to manage organizational change is a key component of leadership and survivability in the grand scheme of things.


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"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper."

- Robert Frost

