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PREMIUM presentation
by Alfredo Armijos
Según el informe WEF Global Risks Report 2018, cerca de 6 de cada 10 principales ejecutivos en sus sectores empresariales experimentó un incremento en riesgos inherentes a sus negocios. Un 24% de sus pérdidas financieras fueron generadas por riesgos ambientales, cibernéticos, económicos y geopolíticos, con proyección a incrementarse en el próximo 2020. Es así cómo se evidencia a nivel mundial una tensión creciente hacia una gestión efectiva de las organizaciones. Y la dirección de los proyectos no es la excepción, acorde al reporte PMI Pulse of the Profession 2018. De las principales causas que condujeron a iniciativas ser declaradas como fracasos, la falta de definición de riesgos y oportunidades es una de ellas. Adicionalmente, solo cercano a 3 de cada 10 compañías aplican siempre prácticas en gestión de riesgos sobre sus proyectos. Esto conlleva a observar cómo instituciones de todo el mundo derrochan $1 millón cada 20 segundos. La praxis lleva a las organizaciones ejecutoras de proyectos a establecer un marco de gestión de riesgos que sea simple y resiliente frente a amenazas y oportunidades. En la actualidad, existe una gran diversidad de estándares, metodologías, herramientas y técnicas para este propósito. No obstante, gran parte de ellas han resultado ser complejas y subjetivas de aplicar para los gerentes de proyectos y de riesgos, lo que ha incrementado la incertidumbre en sus proyectos. Por lo tanto, es clave compartir con los gestores de proyectos y de riesgos un set de 9 gráficas básicas para el análisis integral de amenazas y oportunidades en esfuerzos temporales. Cada una de ellas proporciona una visión sistémica y pragmática de la toma de decisiones bajo riesgo e incertidumbre en los proyectos, migrando de esta forma del clásico paradigma determinístico hacia uno estocástico, inherente al entorno VUCA de los negocios del siglo XXI.
PREMIUM presentation
by Dr. William Brantley
You may have heard that “90% of a project manager’s work is communication.” But, have you heard why communication is so important and what is good project management communication? In this webinar, the presenter explains why communication is no longer just the transfer of information and giving directives to project teams. Modern communication theory is based upon creating shared understanding – “the coordinated management of meaning.” The presenter gives practical tools and methods for creating understanding among your project team and stakeholders. With understanding comes better project task execution and more support from project sponsors, customers, and stakeholders.
PREMIUM presentation
by Nathalie Bouchard
In this engaging 1-hour webinar, Nathalie Bouchard Executive Advisor and co-founder at Oneflexiwork discusses the rise of the Consulting as a Service (CaaS) model, for digital transformation. Consulting has always been about delivering services, but with today's technology and the consulting market transitioning to the Cloud, delivery, consumption, and billing of these services introduces new challenges.
PREMIUM presentation
by Emily Luijbregts
Project Management is becoming a very competitive industry, and we are finding that a way to ensure that you and your projects are a success is knowing about how to work successfully with other cultures. Do you want to learn some hints and tricks for working with other cultures? During this webinar, we'll discuss 3 different cultures (India, USA, Middle East) and how to successfully navigate a positive working relationship with them as well as some more generic tips for how to succeed with any culture!
by Michael Knapp, Dr Chris Stevens
The importance of governance in Portfolios, Programs, and Projects (3P) is reflected in part by the development of standards for governance (PMI, 2016) as well as by the increasing attention being paid to governance in management/academic literature, and in practice. At the same time, organizations increasingly aim to improve their innovation capabilities, enabling them to survive in today’s dynamic, competitive environment. However, there is little guidance in research literature on whether and how 3P governance can be designed to support and promote innovation. The escalating importance of project delivery in organizations, especially for innovation, further highlights the need for better understanding of the relationship between governance, innovation, and success in 3P.
PREMIUM presentation
by Liz Wool
Attendees will be equipped to Ignite Virtual Compliance Training ACTIVITIES FOR Learner Engagement with instructional design, use of various activities and digital technology that engages the experienced and less - experienced learner.
PREMIUM presentation
by Uri Galimidi
The presentation includes practical action-oriented insights which Project Managers can consider as they explore the impact of AI on their careers.
PREMIUM deliverable
by Anupam Ganguly
This template can be used to track individual concerns, priorities, updates and development areas required during 1x1 connect meetings. The action items resulting can be used as a basis for your next 1x1. It should be filled and documented by the person conducting the meeting. The template results in better understanding and planning development opportunities for an individual team member. The documented template can also be used for year-end appraisals.
PREMIUM presentation
by Antonio Nieto
In the next five years, the world will see more projects than ever. The reconstruction of the economy, healthcare, social care, and society at large after the devastating global pandemic crisis, will be unprecedented in human history. According to McKinsey, Governments’ have announced $10 trillion in reconstruction funds just in the first two months of the crisis, which is three times more than the response to the 2008–09 financial crisis. These are millions of projects, which will need millions of project managers. However, despite this positive outlook, significant trends will put at stake the project management profession that we have learned to know in the past 40 years. We should consider these signals as an urgent call for profound change in our practices and a much needed in our competencies. A small price to pay compared to the unique opportunity that the project management profession has to lead what I call our new world driven by change.
PREMIUM presentation
by NK Shrivastava, Phillip George
As part of our knowledge sharing, our team enjoys looking toward the future of the project management world. We reflect on the past and forecast trends in project management to help project managers prepare for what the coming year will bring. As 2021 ends and we look forward to 2022, we are again forecasting the trends we see that will affect project management practitioners. From advances in technology to advances in project management practices, the world is constantly changing, and project managers need to know how to stay caught up. What trends in technologies, industries, and best practices are going to affect project managers, and how can project managers prepare for them? Attendees will leave with a better idea of how to navigate coming changes.
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"Wagner's music is better than it sounds."
- Mark Twain