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A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 1): The Executive Sponsor

PREMIUM presentation
by Uri Galimidi 

This is in the first installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas. This webinar covers the Executive Sponsor and will include: • A description of the key risk factors within the project management area • Guidelines for assessing when to raise the “Red Flag” for each risk factor • Guidelines on what to do with the Red Flag once you have it raised • Real-life case stories illustrating the risk factor and its impact on your project.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 2): The Project Leadership Team

PREMIUM presentation
by Uri Galimidi 

This is in the second installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 4): An Executable Plan

PREMIUM presentation
by Uri Galimidi 

This is in the fourth installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 5): Vendor Management

PREMIUM presentation
by Uri Galimidi 

This is in the fifth installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 6): Stakeholder Management

PREMIUM presentation
by Uri Galimidi 

This is in the sixth installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas. This webinar covers Stakeholder Management.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 7): The Project Team

PREMIUM presentation
by Uri Galimidi 

This is in the seventh installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas. This webinar covers The Project Team.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 8): Methodology & Tools

PREMIUM presentation
by Uri Galimidi 

This is in the eighth (and final) installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas. This webinar covers Methodology & Tools.

A Deep Dive Into Y2K – A PM Perspective

PREMIUM presentation
by Peter de Jager

We stand on the verge of the 20th anniversary of a curious date: one where, for many reasons, the world didn't end. Y2K was a global project of immense proportions, as organizations literally raced against the clock to prevent their information systems from failing as the rest of the world celebrated the dawn of the new millennium. For the most part, they kept going. This webinar takes a retrospective view of the Y2K project, one of the largest coordinated systems efforts that the world has yet seen; it offers an alternative perspective and far more insight into the management underpinnings of how to manage an effort that was complex, diffuse and world-wide. Join Peter de Jager for a look back at a global incident that monopolized the activities of nearly all IT departments through the 1990s. He'll explore what we've learned, what we still have to figure out, and what we are perilously close to once again forgetting.

A GEMBA Walk with Santa and The Elves

PREMIUM presentation
by David Davis, Rosemary Hossenlopp

One of the reasons Santa Claus is so productive in toy making is because he spends a lot of time in the workshop with the elves listening to their challenges and success. This concept of “going out to the field” is rooted in LEAN and Six Sigma philosophy and captures the value of a leader’s presence in the field, observation of the work where it is being done, and the teaming of people and process in the spirit of Kaizen.


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"Conventional people are roused to fury by departure from convention, largely because they regard such departure as a criticism of themselves."

- Bertrand Russell

