A challenge faced by organizations attempting to adopt agile practices is deciding what project management documents are valuable--which traditional lifecycle ones should be maintained and which can be discarded?
Agile principles can be applied to large--even very large--groups of people, allowing them to be more connected to their work and its impact, despite being part of a huge system.
A recent Harvard Business Review article revealed that one in six IT projects has a cost overrun of 200%. That's a pretty high rate of failure for estimation. To minimize the risk of having your next technical project go awry, stop estimating and start budgeting.
To some of you, this may not be new. But to many of the people preaching "Agile Software Development", Agile is not what you think it is. Let me say that again, because it's important: You're Doing Agile Wrong.
"It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head."