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Launch Trajectory – Why Integrating Definition and Execution Is Critical to Development Project, Program and Portfolio Success

by Randall Iliff
February 20, 2018 | 59:44 | Views: 9,238 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.36 / 5

It isn't easy to make exact copies of even a simple product, but at least you begin that effort knowing what "done" looks like. Development introduces a special kind of challenge – you only learn what "done" looks like at the end. The critical path for execution becomes dependent upon the critical path for definition and vice versa. The development path can be thought of as a part "altitude" you wish to attain and part "distance" you must travel to get there. We'll use this powerful analogy to explore why development outcomes vary so widely, why Agile methods are essential, and to help you plot the optimum launch trajectory for any given effort.

Le PCO: contrôleur du temps et des priorités

by Nersa Dorismond
February 22, 2018 | 58:29 | Views: 1,577 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.15 / 5

Je propose de présenter la valeur ajoutée du rôle du PCO dans le cadre de la réalisation d'un projet. De la phase de planification jusqu'à sa fermeture.

Le savoir-être, la clé en gestion de projet

by Karyn Thibault, David-Alexandre Paquette
September 30, 2020 | 59:53 | Views: 866 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.52 / 5

Cette formation se veut une aide de la théorie à la pratique visant à vous outiller comme gestionnaire de projet pour vous permettre d’utiliser la puissance de votre savoir-être. Ceci afin de passer de : Boss à Leader. Cette formation est en lien direct avec le chapitre 3 du PMBOK 6ed soit : Le rôle du chef de projet.

Lead the People – Manage the Process!

by Patrick McBane
May 03, 2017 | 62:21 | Views: 9,285 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.19 / 5

If you have influence with at least one person – that makes you a leader. Becoming the leader you want to be is part of what we will look at during this session. We’ll supply the tools to establish, elevate, and sustain your leadership strategy as the #1 business priority and make it the #1 employee benefit in your organization. A culture of leadership does both.

Leaders: 3 Innovative Environments and 10 Important Skills

by Harvey A. Robbins Brian Cohn Gina Lund Kimberly Johnson Mick Kuehn
March 26, 2015 | 61:03 | Views: 22,282 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.22 / 5

This one-hour virtual workshop is broken down into two parts…plus a Q&A. The first part outlines the three critical innovative environments great leaders create and the 10 most important skills great leaders possess. The second part describes in detail the single most critical tool used to create active/engaged followers…versatility.

Leadership and Ethics

by Jerry Brightman
January 26, 2011 | 63:34 | Views: 2,585 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.20 / 5

Great leaders are grounded in the values and ethics they embrace and demonstrate on a regular everyday basis. Ethical behavior is the foundation of what Peter Senge calls “Personal Mastery” – the ability to truly reflect and know what one stands for in the world.

Leadership Drivers of Sustainable Six Sigma Initiatives

by Kam Gupta 
December 13, 2011 | 56:19 | Views: 695 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.17 / 5

This webinar will explore the critical success factors for successful and sustainable Six Sigma initiatives. In the webinar we will: 1. Explore leadership and its challenges 2. Understand how we lead 3. Explore the Impediments to sustainability 4. Examine how to take the learning one step forward

Leadership Effectiveness - Getting the Job Done Without Breaking as Many Eggs

by Nealand M. Lewis
September 14, 2019 | 47:02 | Views: 2,454 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.36 / 5

Course will examine known techniques for effectively leading teams; review effective communication techniques; and identify the pitfalls most fall into that turn leading into a catastrophe. This course will also explore and illustrate how these various communications forms have been used by successful leaders.

Leadership in Hybrid Projects

by Laura Lazzerini
March 18, 2021 | 61:12 | Views: 8,766 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.44 / 5

Hybrid projects require both the skills of agile and of waterfall environments. This could be very challenging as the style of leadership may change, according to the needs of the different streams within the project or to the stakeholders or teams you work with. The different situations and approaches will be discussed during this 1 hour webinar.

Leadership in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

by Mithun A. Sridharan
November 09, 2023 | 65:03 | Views: 11,210 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.28 / 5

Today's era of Artificial Intelligence requires new leadership thinking, life-long learning and regenerative models. Leaders who want to succeed in this age should consciously balance the delicate interplay between their "artistic side" comprising of the entire battery of human emotions and the "architect side" comprising of the range of Artificial Intelligence tools to compensate, complement, and conquer our finite nature. Leaders need a framework to consider how they can deploy technology to practice the art of leading, whilst considering the inhibitors that prevent them from leading. This framework will also provide a toolbox to appraise our reliance on Artificial Intelligence to execute such difficult tasks as exercising independent judgment and decision—making - the very activities that impart meaning and raison d'être to the leader's existence.


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"How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't live there?"

- Steven Wright

