Project Management

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Safety and Professionalism for the Nuclear Supply Chain

by Mike Shannon 
December 12, 2011 | 40:19 | Views: 563 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.12 / 5

Attendees will be able to recognize the good practices they have in achieving a safe working environment, excellent leadership and behavioral skills, and sound safety culture infrastructure, learn what is meant by compatible nuclear safety culture and nuclear professionalism and understand the capabilities they are required to demonstrate, and learn how to create a priority plan to meet the nuclear safety culture requirements for review by one of HP&L nuclear safety culture experts post-webinar.

Santa Inc. and Business Benefits Strategic Alignment: Should Santa Use Drones?

by David Davis Rosemary Hossenlopp
December 08, 2016 | 57:16 | Views: 4,622 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.80 / 5

Santa has performed an organizational assessment and is considering new portfolio ideas to move into the 21st century. One of the business case "winners" is drone delivery. Let's consider and evaluate the business benefits associated with this business idea. Shall the elves leap to implement this or is project execution caught in the fog of cloud business hype?

Santa Inc and Project Strategy Impacts when Technology & Customer Needs are Changing

by Rosemary Hossenlopp David Davis
December 06, 2017 | 57:15 | Views: 7,040 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.87 / 5

This is the 5th annual PMI Santa Series. Organizational Project Management (OPM) is the systematic management of projects, programs, and portfolios in alignment with the achievement of strategic goals. Sounds great yet how do we actually translate that into our daily project management work?

Saving Troubled Projects

by Mark Waldof
December 09, 2011 | 68:17 | Views: 3,031 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.13 / 5

Projects get into trouble for repeating and well understood reasons. Many proven solutions to these common root causes of project issues are now well known. This seminar addresses a process to recover troubled projects. The process determines the core project issues and defines steps necessary to put the project back on a successful path. In addition, organizational level structural actions that can be very valuable in preventing projects from getting into trouble in the first place and what infrastructure is needed and how this infrastructure can be developed is addressed.

Saving Troubled Projects

by Mark Waldof
October 14, 2014 | 60:27 | Views: 1,553 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.37 / 5

Projects can run into trouble for many different reasons and many of these reasons are common and well characterized. Years of experience have resulted in proven solutions to resolve repeating challenged project situations and many solutions are provided in this seminar. A process for putting a troubled project back on a successful track with guidance for each step is addressed along with the actions that organizations and projects can do proactively to keep future projects out of trouble.

SCALE Your INFLUENCE: A Model for Project Success

by Vivian Hairston Blade
November 03, 2021 | 61:37 | Views: 10,608 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.58 / 5

Do you lack the confidence in your ability to influence? Influence across all levels of the organization has never been more important for success in your project management role. Successful change requires influencing others’ perspectives, buy-in and behaviors. Whether early career or a seasoned professional, the practices introduced in this workshop will guide you in honing your skills for influencing at 360º scale - ‘from’ and ‘to’ any level. A ‘must’ in project management! This interactive program lays out a roadmap for growing your personal influence.

Scaling Agile Metrics and Measuring what Matters

by Sally Elatta
June 17, 2015 | 61:37 | Views: 3,618 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.05 / 5

Through this webinar we'll take a deeper dive into the hard metrics (quantitative) that should be tracked at the Team, Program and Portfolio levels.

Scheduling 2014: A Product-Library Approach for Improving BIM-Based Schedules of Elements

by Erezi Utiome
July 10, 2014 | 15:06 | Views: 144 | PDUs: 0.50 | Rating: 3.92 / 5

Join Erezi Utiome's session from the 2014 PMI Scheduling Conference. This presentation includes:
- A new way of capturing project scheduling information
- An awareness of the implcations of product libraries for BIM (Business Information Modeling).
- developing a strategy for Integrating product information from a variety of sources.

Scheduling 2014: A Toolbox for Schedulers

by Alfonso St. Jago, Patrick Van Weerdenburg
July 10, 2014 | 60:47 | Views: 258 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.70 / 5

Patrick Van Weerdenburg and Alfonso St. Jago present an overview of the work they've done to increase the quality level at their organization. The toolbox for project schedulers is the result of their successful quality improvement process.

Scheduling 2014: Addressing the Challenges in a Multi-Shift Environment

by Lisa Marie Smith
July 10, 2014 | 44:00 | Views: 125 | PDUs: 0.50 | Rating: 4.00 / 5

Projects in an environment that involves multiple shifts can have a variety of challenges, including inefficient resource utilization, knowledge transfer gaps, increased risks, and increased costs. This presentation will address the challenges described and introduce staggered scheduling as a means to improve multi-shift scheduling environments.


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"Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences."

- Freeman Dyson

