Project Management

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A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 1): The Executive Sponsor

by Uri Galimidi 
July 09, 2019 | 61:06 | Views: 6,945 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.60 / 5

This is in the first installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas. This webinar covers the Executive Sponsor and will include: • A description of the key risk factors within the project management area • Guidelines for assessing when to raise the “Red Flag” for each risk factor • Guidelines on what to do with the Red Flag once you have it raised • Real-life case stories illustrating the risk factor and its impact on your project.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 2): The Project Leadership Team

by Uri Galimidi 
July 23, 2019 | 59:02 | Views: 5,099 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.67 / 5

This is in the second installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 3): Clear Objectives & Scope

by Uri Galimidi 
August 06, 2019 | 60:59 | Views: 4,933 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.61 / 5

This is in the third installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 4): An Executable Plan

by Uri Galimidi 
August 20, 2019 | 61:06 | Views: 3,860 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.55 / 5

This is in the fourth installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 5): Vendor Management

by Uri Galimidi 
September 10, 2019 | 60:30 | Views: 3,168 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.61 / 5

This is in the fifth installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 6): Stakeholder Management

by Uri Galimidi 
November 12, 2019 | 61:11 | Views: 5,711 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.57 / 5

This is in the sixth installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas. This webinar covers Stakeholder Management.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 7): The Project Team

by Uri Galimidi 
October 08, 2019 | 59:56 | Views: 4,352 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.61 / 5

This is in the seventh installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas. This webinar covers The Project Team.

A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework (Part 8): Methodology & Tools

by Uri Galimidi 
October 22, 2019 | 61:44 | Views: 4,098 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.28 / 5

This is in the eighth (and final) installment in an 8-part webinar series, A Billion Dollar Project Health Framework, presented by Uri Galimidi. The series covers an advanced yet practical framework which Project Managers can use to assess the health of their projects. The framework consists of eight key project management areas. This webinar covers Methodology & Tools.

A Comparison and Contrast Between CM and PM Key Success Factors, Best Practices, and Causes of Failure

by Steve Olson
January 13, 2016 | 61:45 | Views: 2,139 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.10 / 5

This webinar is Part 2 of two webinars that compare the roles and relationships between contract manager and project manager. Participants will learn and compare the attributes of successful contract teams to project teams. They’ll learn what the key success factors are as well as the leading causes of troubled contracts and how to mitigate those risks. There will be a group discussion of how we can apply these to our PM roles, organizations and projects, and how we can go about it.

A Comparison and Contrast Between PM and CM Methodologies, Processes and Roles

by Steve Olson
December 16, 2015 | 55:57 | Views: 1,576 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.95 / 5

This webinar is Part 1 of two webinars that compare the roles and relationships between contract manager and project manager. Learn fundamentals of contract management methodology and discuss key processes and tool. Find out how you can work more effectively with your contract management partners.


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"What is the voice of song, when the world lacks the ear of taste?"

- Nathaniel Hawthorne

