Project Management

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Facilitation Skills for Those Tricky Meeting Situations for Project Managers

by Dana Brownlee
May 18, 2016 | 59:55 | Views: 6,797 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.21 / 5

As Project Managers we're constantly leading meetings intended to guide a team towards a common goal. But what do you do when you've got a group of difficult personalities to contend with in your session? This can be a particular challenge for project managers who constantly balance the need to focus on task and relationship. If you're frequently flustered with difficult personalities in your meetings and not quite sure how to manage them effectively, this presentation is for YOU!

Fallacy of Powerful Questioning

by Mohua Ghosh
September 07, 2023 | 58:13 | Views: 9,735 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.21 / 5

This webinar delves into the deepest of the brains of individuals to unravel ways that would enhance their skills to manage stakeholders in their journey of project management. As the questions usually individuals tend to ask their stakeholders lack the ability to question most of the times that eventually becomes the greatest pitfall

Fantastic Tools and Where To Find Them

by Simona Bonghez, Fabio Rigamonti
May 20, 2020 | 55:34 | Views: 7,893 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.36 / 5

Join us for an interactive, fun, and informative webinar in which you will learn and practice PMI's Ethics Toolkit for Project Management practitioners' Case studies (ethical dilemmas) derived from our project managers’ life will be presented, and the discussed, available tools will be proposed and applied. This is the second webinar of the series "Ethics in project management: a Masterclass". Find the previous one here:

Fighting Impostor Syndrome as a Project Manager

by Yasmina Khelifi Vicky Adams
July 01, 2022 | 60:21 | Views: 12,884 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.59 / 5

When you begin a new role or a new job, you feel sometimes misplaced, and you don’t belong. You’re not alone: many of us have gone through impostor syndrome without naming it. What is impostor syndrome? When does it happen? Why? How to overcome it? We propose to explore these insightful questions sharing our experiences as a project manager.


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"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"

- Groucho Marx

