October 2018 Book Club Intro - Practitioner's Guide to Project Management
Introductory webinar for the October 2018 Book Club - Practitioner's Guide to Project Management
Introductory webinar for the October 2018 Book Club - Practitioner's Guide to Project Management
By now, most organizations have figured out how to build and then continually improve high-performance software delivery teams. This is akin to creating a powerful race car engine. Sadly, in many cases we take these great engines, put them in an organizational tractor, and then complain when we are not going as fast as expected. This webinar explores the Disciplined Agile principles and how executives can apply them in their own organizational context to put them on the path of business agility.
While corporate culture plays a significant rolein the success of any corporation, governance and “governmentality” not onlydetermine how business should be conducted, but also define the policies andprocedures organizations follow to achieve business functions and goals. Intheir book, Organizational Enablers for Project Governance, Ralf Müller,Jingting Shao, and Sofia Pemsel examine the interaction of governance andgovernmentality in various types of companies and demonstrate how these factorsdrive business success and influence project work, efficiency, andprofitability.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something." - Plato |