Large Data Warehousing Projects Needs a Big "P" for Program Management
As many of you have read here on gantthead, program management involves the management and coordination of multiple projects that deliver a complete set of related-business functionality (e.g., a customer relationship management solution). Program management deals with managing the interdependencies between projects, resource allocation across projects and risk and issue management. Project management, on the other hand, focuses on the delivery of a single project and the processes that surround executing a single piece of work.
The question to consider is whether data warehousing efforts should be governed only by project management processes or by both program and project management processes. The answer to this question lies in the nature of most business intelligence and data warehousing efforts. The first iteration of a data warehousing effort is never the end. There is always further functionality added to the data warehouse, whether that is additional data sources, additional analytics or completely new tools. If the data warehouse solution were a "one iteration and done" effort, I would consider it to be governed purely by project management processes, but the growing nature of a data warehouse makes it more suitable for program management. The second characteristic of data warehousing efforts that makes it more suitable for program management is the multiple thread
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