Project Management

Sizing Up Your PM Efforts

Mark Mullaly is president of Interthink Consulting Incorporated, an organizational development and change firm specializing in the creation of effective organizational project management solutions. Since 1990, it has worked with companies throughout North America to develop, enhance and implement effective project management tools, processes, structures and capabilities. Mark was most recently co-lead investigator of the Value of Project Management research project sponsored by PMI. You can read more of his writing at

As organizations around the world are realizing the value of project management, they are investing millions of dollars in developing their processes, skills, tools and systems to improve the effectiveness of their project management efforts. While they are willing to spend money on project management, companies don't always have the information they need—about best practices and successful approaches—to realize the ultimate value and return on adopting and implementing efficient PM systems.

There is a lot of anecdotal advice on how organizations can implement project management, but there is little direct feedback regarding the effectiveness or relevance of different approaches within organizations. Many senior managers are left without answers to fundamental and perfectly reasonable questions: What do I need in place to be competitive in the project management arena? What are my competitors doing? What are the industry best practices, and how are companies adopting and using them? What are the practices that can have the greatest impact and return in the earliest timeframe? What return can I expect to see for the thousands of dollars I am being asked to invest?

The Project Management Baseline Study, originally launched by Interthink Consulting Incorporated (Interthink) in 1997, was the first public attempt to start answering these questions. …

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- Richard M. Nixon

