Project Management

10 Ways to Add Risks

Risk management is an incredible tool for project managers because it helps prevent problems from occurring to an extent that cause damage to the project. We know how effective risk management can be if performed throughout the life of the project. A highly popular starting point in the science of risk management is to develop a list of risks. Project managers like lists. Lists are our friend, but sometimes identifying risks feels forced, more than it does natural. Let's look at some spawning grounds where you should be able to find sound risks to add to your list.

1. Monitor new team members.
New team members are great. They are so innocent and unadulterated. They haven't learned to memorize the norms and to discount known dangers. Listen to their questions. In fact, as they join the team and come up to speed, strongly encourage them to dig and ask lots of questions. Use this shakeout period to your advantage. As your team members surface risks, it's your job to write them down and follow up.

2. Serve no whine before it's time.
At times, it can be both therapeutic for team members to vent. Listen closely. Their whines might help tip you of potential risks and problems that need to be addressed. Beware of listening too closely, because sometimes all that they need to do is get something off of their chest and it may not be appropriate to interrogate for potential risks. Freud …

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