The Top Ten Reasons Projects Fail (Part 6)
Planning is a test of the character of project managers. It requires virtues that are in short supply. During what should be the planning phase of a project there is a temptation to just let 'er rip, just do it! Many around us seem to be saying, "Don't just plan there, do something!"
Planning in the face of this apparently natural inclination takes patience born of character and self-confidence. When we are planning, there are times when our bosses, spouses, peers and subordinates all wonder why we aren't moving faster.
In systems development projects there is the LTC (Leap to Code!) factor that still seems to work for many people.
But then if we are lucky or smart we remember what grandma taught us--to look before we leap and to watch where we are going as we do it. After all, as grandma might remind us, the project manager herself is a primary beneficiary of effective project planning. This advice is related to "Eat your veggies, they're good for you!"
While most managers err on the side of too little planning, others fall victim to analysis paralysis. They stay in the planning mode far too long in an apparent effort to delay actually doing any work.
The goal of PMs should be to do an adequate job of planning without suffering analysis paralysis. Knowing when the plan is complete is a challenge. Getting going with the plan only partially complete is one of
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"If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead." - Johnny Carson |