Project Management

Daily Build Process

While building a requirements traceability matrix is great to understand the status of the project and identify functional gaps, implementing a daily build process is excellent for ensuring that the load is consistently stable and developers are not committing code at the expense of quality.


If you're not sold on the value of a daily build process, please read Project Recovery (Part 1). If you do understand its importance, here's a simple 10-step approach that you can enforce.


Check Out the Source Code
Check out the source code from the version control system to the workstation where you'll be writing new code. Depending on which version control system you're using, other developer's may be able to check out their own copy of the same files and edit them.


Modify the Source Code
Modify the source code to implement the feature as per the functional specification. The feature implementation could take days or months to complete. In the event that it takes more than a few days, you might want to commit your code before you're completely done. This is acceptable, as long as you don't break the build. If you know your code will remove functionality or temporarily break the build, create a backup using some other means or commit your changes to a separate branch.


Build a Private Release
Once you're ready to commit your code to the…

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"The good die young, because they see it's no use living if you have got to be good."

- John Barrymore

