Are You Ready to Go Agile? (Part 2 of 3)
The first article in this three-part series described how sponsoring organizations seeking to adopt agile management methods struggle in determining whether or not an organization is “ready for agile”. For over a decade, I have been helping organizations with this question by looking at factors in three key areas: whether the sponsoring organization is prepared...
- to fully embrace agile practices (discussed in the first article)
- whether the project team is ready to begin using agile practices
- and whether a particular project is even well-suited to an agile approach
This second article continues the discussion by looking at the second group of factors related to the readiness (and willingness) of the project team to adopt agile best practices. As with sponsorship factors, we need to consider cultural, structural and management aspects. (In Part 3 of this series, I’ll look at the question, “Is the project well-suited for an agile delivery model?”)
Project Team Readiness Factors
Like the list of sponsoring organization factors in the first article, the following list of project team readiness factors is not an exhaustive list; however, it does include the most significant factors to consider.
1. Single Project Assignment: Are the core project team members dedicated to the project or are they working on
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"I would have made a good Pope. " - Richard M. Nixon |