Project Management

Start with the Scope

Kenneth has 14 years of healthcare experience in government and private industry. Over eight years of experience managing healthcare IT projects, operations, contracts, and personnel. His work experience includes project management, contracts and procurements, data analysis, claims adjudication, business writing, and business process modeling. Kenneth was certified in 2006 as a Project Management Professional.

The project must begin if it will ever end, and the most important step at the beginning is the scope. The high-level scope statement and defining requirements are the first step for projects no matter what industry it is in. Starting off with a well-defined scope that is understood by everyone is the way to start the project off on the right foot and set expectations for everyone involved--especially the client or customer that is paying for the project.

Following a solid process to move from a bright idea to a fully defined scope statement can be difficult for all involved, but is worth it in the long range health of the project. The following steps will help get you started on defining the scope of the project.

High Level
The first step is to work at a high level. The project started because somebody had a bright idea or there was a business need or a customer requirement to do something. From that initial thought, there needs to be a high-level scope statement. This high-level statement should directly correlate with the business need that is driving the project, and it will start to define the work that needs to be done; that work might be modifications to an existing program or creating something entirely new.

This high-level statement will give everyone involved the understanding they need to start moving forward with the project. This is the phase in …

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- Dan

