Project Management

Opportunity Agility

Bart has been in ecommerce for over 20 years, and can't imagine a better job to have. He is interested in all things agile, or anything new to learn.

Agile organizations are always learning from their customers and their products, using them as guides to new ideas and opportunities. They also bring an agile mindset to selecting and executing the ideas they pursue, making advances iteratively through a continuous cycle of different initiatives at different stages.

There are three broad ways to grow a business: find new markets, find new customers, or develop new products and services. But finding new markets and customers is easier said than done, and launching new products is always a risky undertaking, no matter how much research or planning has been done.

The challenge is to be agile in both uncovering and executing against new opportunities, while remaining true to the things at which a company truly excels. This is a difficult balance, but the ability to harvest new sources of demand is the key to growth.

To survive and grow, all organizations must Identify new markets, determine which ones to pursue or avoid, and employ strategies to unlock their value. However, it is often the case that the strategies a company has used in the past will not work in a new environment. This is particularly true in mature companies and industries where mechanisms already exist for measuring and evaluating the success of a line of business or a market. Using a mature set of tools on an immature market is more likely to lead to…

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"Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes."

- Chinese Proverb

