Project Management

Stifling Innovation

Kenneth has 14 years of healthcare experience in government and private industry. Over eight years of experience managing healthcare IT projects, operations, contracts, and personnel. His work experience includes project management, contracts and procurements, data analysis, claims adjudication, business writing, and business process modeling. Kenneth was certified in 2006 as a Project Management Professional.

Innovation is an art form. It is the art of looking at a problem or a process and seeing it in a new light--or seeing it from a different angle and figuring out how to do it better. Sometimes, innovation comes slowly over time and improvements are made piece by piece; other times, innovation happens in a flash and you move very quickly into an entirely new arena of methods and processes.

While innovation can be encouraged and cultivated, it is difficult--possibly impossible--to fabricate out of thin air. There are, however, many things you can do to stifle innovation--and these should be avoided as much as possible on a project. Let’s take a look at four common roadblocks…

Rigid Schedules
A rigid project schedule locks the team members into simply doing their jobs and nothing more. They will not have the time or the opportunity to consider problems or solutions from different angles. A schedule that prescribes every day and every small task that needs to be accomplished during the project may be great for estimating project timelines, but it leaves no room for creativity.

A project manager needs to be working to find the balance between a schedule that shows how the project will be completed within the appropriate timeframe and a schedule that allows people to spread their wings a little bit and begin to think outside of the box. It is hard to find…

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"Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training."

- Anna Freud

