Project Management

Technology Impact on Communication Management: Q&A

PMI Silver Spring Chapter

Beth Spriggs' professional career began in information technology in 1999. As a certified PMP with over a decade of project management experience, she has combined her love for tech and project management by focusing her career on managing technology projects and portfolios. She is author of The Project Manager's Little Book of Cheats.

In the webinar Technology Impact on Communication Management with Beth Spriggs, she talked about technology’s impact on communication management. She explored with attendees how communication behaviors and preferences have changed, and examined how these changes create both opportunity and risk in our projects. She also discussed ways this impacts our current project communication plans, explored ways to adjust our communications to be more effective and shared some practical communication tips. Here, she answers attendee questions. Also included below are webinar  references.

A note from the presenter: These questions from the community are exceptionally thoughtful, engaging and provoking. I can’t thank everybody enough for thinking critically about the subject matter and sharing your beautiful questions. I have learned a lot from all of you.

1. I believe telecommunication shall remain a Plan B in many cases since as far as I experienced, teleworking might be unsafe with some type of lazy and theory X workers. What do you think?
The statistics indicate otherwise. Telecommunication is currently on the rise. That doesn’t mean it’s rising everywhere for everybody, and in some cases companies are reversing policies. I dare say that if companies are reversing polices, then they have bigger underlying problems for which they need to solve.

2. …

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