Precast Concrete: Bulk Production Optimization
In my previous article Pre-Cast Concrete Yards: Safety and Health Management, I tackled the management of safety and health related to precast yards. In this article, we will concentrate on the execution phase (i.e. production of the pre-cast elements) on large projects.
For small projects, precast production could be considered as a reoccurring process and the same yard or production lines could serve more than one project. For large projects, mainly oil and gas projects, it is somehow different as usually the option of pre-casting parts of the structure or project is taken into consideration during the planning process (if not already imposed as a constraint by the client during initiation).
That being the case, each project has its own unique precast yards and production lines and the elements are usually decent in size. I will not go into the planning process of the precast yards, nor the evaluation process of whether to go for the pre-casting option or not; but this will be the main subject of my next article.
Regardless of what type of elements are being pre-casted, there are normally nine major steps that take place from start to finish during the production of the precast elements (also refer to the execution flowchart below):
- Material and Preparation Activities: Rebar fabrication (cut and bend), formwork fabrication and beds preparation (installation of
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