Project Management

The Power of Roadmaps

Keith Duncan

Integrated roadmaps help organizations document, visualize and manage their long-term new product development strategies. The benefits include high-level alignment between portfolios and strategy, to daily support for project management efforts. Here are guidelines for building and implementing integrated roadmaps.

Most companies have a long-term New Product Development strategy, but the majority of them can’t clearly articulate, communicate, rally around or manage to it. Unfortunately for those organizations, developing and adhering to a long-term strategy is critical to success — studies have shown that nearly 60 percent of the top-performing NPD organizations adopt a long-term planning approach of seven or more years.

Why do organizations need roadmaps?

Picture this classic scene often shown in old war movies: Planners standing around a map, pushing model ships around as a battle unfolds. These are not frustrated gamers; they are professionals who understand the importance of visualizing what is occurring in the arena of battle so they can make quick, informed decisions. The map is updated as situations shift, such as  changes to assets, different weather patterns, and updates to the supply and logistic support needed to maintain the battle. All of those things — which include elements both within and outside of the planners’ control &…

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