Project Management

Survival of the Fittest: AI vs. PM

PMI Pearl City, Hyderabad Chapter, and

Traditional project management is on the verge of dramatic changes. As projects get more complex and demanding, conventional practices are no longer sufficient as they are time-consuming and prone to failure.

Over the years, project management has advanced through the CPM and PERT methodologies, Gantt charts, the Agile Manifesto, and many technology tools to enhance project plans and budgets; manage stakeholders and vendors; mitigate risks; and keep communication channels clear. As project management evolved, the role of the project manager also underwent digital transformation—today's project managers are more tech-savvy.

According to Gartner research, by 2030, 80% of project management tasks will be run by artificial intelligence. That is big news, and it means improved project success rates and better organizational bottom lines. Gartner's report states: “Generative AI isn’t just a technology or a business case—it is a key part of a society where people and machines work together.”

The Role of GenAI in Project Management
We are living in the era of artificial intelligence; AI is not a newfangled term, but a phenomenon sweeping businesses and industries alike. This means that the future for project managers will be exciting yet challenging.

In our opinion, collaborative intelligence blends humans and technology seamlessly. To…

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