Project Management

Generative AI in Project Management: The Conversation Continues

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Recently, Rupal Bhandari, PMI thought leadership content specialist, and Edivandro Conforto, PMI director of thought leadership, presented a webinar titled The Immediate Benefits of Adopting Generative AI for Project Management. The presentation was based on the recent PMI Thought Leadership report, First Movers’ Advantage: The Immediate Benefits of Adopting Generative AI for Project Management.

The webinar explored several key areas:

  • Adoption trends of generative AI (GenAI) in project management
  • Enhancements in performance that GenAI can bring to project work
  • Ways organizations can enable the effective use of GenAI
  • Real-world success stories from those at the forefront of this transformation

During the webinar, the presenters received numerous insightful questions that couldn’t be addressed during the session. The responses for those have been compiled below as we continue the conversation.

Question: Will GenAI eventually replace the project manager’s role? 

Answer: No, GenAI will not replace project managers. Instead, it is poised to enhance the role of project professionals significantly. GenAI will empower project managers by allowing them to concentrate on uniquely human tasks, while the tech provides assistance for repetitive and time-consuming aspects of their work.

GenAI can assist with a variety of project management …

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"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in the world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and, if they can't find them, make them."

- George Bernard Shaw

