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Note this... Section 3350: Internal-use Software
[U.S. GAAP Codification Topic] 350-40 Internal-use software [U.S. GAAP before the Codification] 350-40 Internal-use software AICPA SOP 98-1, Accounting for the Costs of Computer Software Developed or Obtained for Internal Use 1. Three stages to develop software (1) Preliminary project stage (2) Application development stage (3) Post-implementation/operation stage 2. Preliminary project stage -- Costs are expensed as incurred 3. Application development stage -- Costs to develop internal-use software -- during the application development stage -- are capitalized 4. Post-implementation/operation stage -- Costs are expensed as incurred 5. Upgrades and enhancements to software -- Costs may be capitalized -- if "additional functionality" is added 6. Capitalized software costs -- are amortized on a "straight line" basis -- over the estimated useful life and -- should be reviewed for impairment
1. It impacts project funding 2. It impacts upgrading to future tech requirements 3. It is the EVM of the project and of the PORTFOLIO
What is happening is that Developers are producing self-constructed assets and no one is booking them that way. Because Financial Engineering is not part of your DAY
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