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Topics: Scheduling
Activity dependence (logical relationship) question
Andrei Lupan Laguna Niguel, Ca, USA
What is a type of activity dependence (logical relationship) called in which a predecessor activity cannot finish until a successor activity has finished?
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VerĂ³nica Elizabeth Pozo Ruiz
Community Champion
RYLAI Access Control Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
This is an activity dependence that is less common than others, but an example may be the activities of book publishing, where the writing and grammar correction is doing simultaneously. Then, the grammar correction cannot finish until the writing of the book has finished.
Kiron Bondale Retired | Mentor| Retired Welland, Ontario, Canada
Andrei -

This is not a standard dependency (FS, SS, FF, SF). It is somewhat similar to the a Start-Finish relationship but with that, it is the start of the predecessor which is linked to the finish of the successor, not its finish.

My suggestion would be to just flip around the two activities and use a Finish-Finish relationship.

Keith Novak Tukwila, Wa, USA
This is a common finish to finish relationship, but I think you have the predecessor and successors reversed.

If A must occur before B, then A is the predecessor.

Where I see this frequently is when there is a review like VerĂ³nica described. You can't finish the review/test/inspection/etc. until the product is complete.

You might say that you can't finish your product until it is checked but really there is a 3rd step involved: The product must be complete before checking may be completed, but the product is not finished until it is checked. The 3rd step is then Release which is a successor of the check process. Step A is having something to check, Step B is the checking which may be done in parallel, and Step 3 is the release of the checked product.
Peter Rapin Subject Matter Expect; Project Delivery| Independent Consultant Ontario, Canada
Another option is to create a third activity. Using Veronica's example you could have 1) write, 2) grammar correction as a parallel, or delayed start, activity and then add 3) finalise. The schedule has to work for you - you don't work for the schedule. We sometimes forget the purpose of tools - tools don't dictate the work, tools are used by you to effectively achieve the work.
Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
I agree with Kiron and Keith - If you can, reverse them but if you can't then it will be similar to FF but that's a very uncommon relationship, yet possible.

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