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Topics: Change Management, PMO
Small (500 people or less) companies with PMOs
Diana Pryor Combs Contract Program Manager| Google (Kaggle) Brooklyn, Ny, USA
Hello, I'm looking to work with a PMO/change management at a small company in the US. All of US if remote, NYC if hybrid/co-located.
Can anyone name companies that fit this description?
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Abolfazl Yousefi Darestani Manager, Quality and Continuous Improvement| Hörmann-TNR Industrial Doors Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
You better pay your local chapter a visit.
1 reply by Diana Pryor Combs
Sep 12, 2022 10:48 AM
Diana Pryor Combs
I'm interacting with my local chapter a lot, thanks for the advice.
Diana Pryor Combs Contract Program Manager| Google (Kaggle) Brooklyn, Ny, USA
Sep 12, 2022 9:32 AM
Replying to Abolfazl Yousefi Darestani
You better pay your local chapter a visit.
I'm interacting with my local chapter a lot, thanks for the advice.
Verónica Elizabeth Pozo Ruiz
Community Champion
RYLAI Access Control Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
A search in employment platforms like Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, Indeed, etc. can help you find a job with the requirements you want.
Kwiyuh Michael Wepngong
Community Champion
Financial Management Specialist | US Peace Corps / Cameroon Yaounde, Centre, Cameroon
Hope it went well
Diana Pryor Combs Contract Program Manager| Google (Kaggle) Brooklyn, Ny, USA
Actually, I've moved on. The workplace climate and culture in NYC does not support allowing me to find work. I hope everyone else has good luck.

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Maybe the dingo ate your baby.

- Elaine Benes

