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Topics: Cost Management, Earned Value Management, Financial Services
looking for a relaibale source to learn everything related to projerct financials in details
Rafik Samy Kuwait
Any suggestions for a book or an online course for project management financials that covers budget forecasting, cash in/out, PnL, revenue booking, etc. and other financial requirements covered within the project life cycle? 
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Keith Novak Tukwila, Wa, USA
You are not going to find one book or course that covers all of finance in detail. An introductory course for non-finance professionals or a detailed course in cash flow analysis are each 6 weeks long at a university.
Kiron Bondale
Community Champion
Mentor| World Class Productivity Inc. Welland, Ontario, Canada
Rafik -

While the principles and high-level concepts might be found in a course or self-study book, the nuances of how financial management is done varies widely by industry and even between companies in an industry.

As such, you might want to narrow things down a little to at least the industry you are working in.

Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Rafik, check on Udemy. There are lots of great courses for reasonable fees.

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"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock."

- Will Rogers

