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William M Hayden Jr Adjunct Assistant Professor| University at Buffalo, School of Management, Operations Management & Strategy Buffalo, Ny, USA
Lose the expression "Soft Skills"

Use the label "Human Skills."

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Kiron Bondale
Community Champion
Mentor| World Class Productivity Inc. Welland, Ontario, Canada
Bill -

While that is a little clearer than "soft" or power (as PMI has chosen to term it now) skills, humans have many skills beyond the ones we tend to mean when we use the term, so I prefer interpersonal skills as that is a little more focused.

1 reply by William M Hayden Jr
Jul 22, 2024 12:27 PM
William M Hayden Jr
Understood Kiron.
But as economists say,
on the other hand the word "Human" is clearer than interpersonal.
Just an opinion.
p.s. And its also more "Touchy-Feely."
William M Hayden Jr Adjunct Assistant Professor| University at Buffalo, School of Management, Operations Management & Strategy Buffalo, Ny, USA
Jul 22, 2024 10:49 AM
Replying to Kiron Bondale
Bill -

While that is a little clearer than "soft" or power (as PMI has chosen to term it now) skills, humans have many skills beyond the ones we tend to mean when we use the term, so I prefer interpersonal skills as that is a little more focused.

Understood Kiron.
But as economists say,
on the other hand the word "Human" is clearer than interpersonal.
Just an opinion.
p.s. And its also more "Touchy-Feely."
Rami Kaibni
Community Champion
Senior Projects Manager | Field & Marten Associates New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Bill, I do agree with Kiron's point of view. How about Interpersonal Skills instead of Soft Skills? (I understand they are slightly different)/
Keith Novak Tukwila, Wa, USA
"If all economists were laid end to end, they still wouldn't reach a conclusion." (George Bernard Shaw)

I personally do see a difference in soft skills vs, human skills. As an engineer who deals with human to machine interfaces frequently, human skills also deal with things like reach, dexterity, and applied force.

Traditionally, the term "hard science" does not refer to the difficulty, but rather that they are based on well developed (hard) laws such as physics, chemistry, geology, biology, etc. Soft sciences are more abstract and difficult to characterize in terms of action/reaction.

I think interpersonal skills is more on-point as to what human skills we are referring, and they are the touchy-feely ones and not the muscle memory skills.
Thomas Walenta Global Project Economy Expert| self Hackenheim, Germany
Soft skills include emotional intelligence and its inside-focused components of self-awareness and self-control, as well as other personal, human capabilities like self-confidence, serenity, and the ability to change perspectives. So, I do not think interpersonal skills cover all the necessary capabilities of a project manager.

Human skills could also include rationality and logical and systems thinking, so it could be interpreted too broadly to also include hard skills.

Referring to Kahneman, maybe we mean the fast thinking skills, irrational, heuristic-based, tacit and biased.
William M Hayden Jr Adjunct Assistant Professor| University at Buffalo, School of Management, Operations Management & Strategy Buffalo, Ny, USA
Thanks to one and all!

"A rose by any other name could not be sweeter."

Q. Whatever you choose to call this fact-based need for project members to routinely play nice together, what three (3) behaviors might you suggest?
1 reply by George Freeman
Jul 24, 2024 10:35 AM
George Freeman

When it comes to the question of “playing nice together,” I would submit the following principled statement:

Through mindful awareness and purposeful resolve, treat yourself and others with compassion, dignity, and respect, always seeking an empathetic understanding in your engagements with others.

The three behaviors I would highlight in my statement are:
[1] Mindful awareness
[2] Purposeful resolve
[3] Empathetic understanding


George Freeman
Community Champion
PM Thought Leader and Author | Florida, USA
Jul 23, 2024 8:45 AM
Replying to William M Hayden Jr
Thanks to one and all!

"A rose by any other name could not be sweeter."

Q. Whatever you choose to call this fact-based need for project members to routinely play nice together, what three (3) behaviors might you suggest?

When it comes to the question of “playing nice together,” I would submit the following principled statement:

Through mindful awareness and purposeful resolve, treat yourself and others with compassion, dignity, and respect, always seeking an empathetic understanding in your engagements with others.

The three behaviors I would highlight in my statement are:
[1] Mindful awareness
[2] Purposeful resolve
[3] Empathetic understanding


1 reply by William M Hayden Jr
Jul 25, 2024 10:44 AM
William M Hayden Jr
George and Tom:

And all the people said "A M E N!"
Thomas Walenta Global Project Economy Expert| self Hackenheim, Germany
respect, engage and love
William M Hayden Jr Adjunct Assistant Professor| University at Buffalo, School of Management, Operations Management & Strategy Buffalo, Ny, USA
Jul 24, 2024 10:35 AM
Replying to George Freeman

When it comes to the question of “playing nice together,” I would submit the following principled statement:

Through mindful awareness and purposeful resolve, treat yourself and others with compassion, dignity, and respect, always seeking an empathetic understanding in your engagements with others.

The three behaviors I would highlight in my statement are:
[1] Mindful awareness
[2] Purposeful resolve
[3] Empathetic understanding


George and Tom:

And all the people said "A M E N!"

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"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception."

- Groucho Marx

